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How do I customize my account with my organization's information and logo?

Organization Information

To customize your organization's information you must go to the Settings > Account Settings tab and complete the form with your organization's information. The data contained in this section appears in the Standard PDF of your forms. The PDF documents that are generated when answering a form will be displayed at the top left of the document, as shown in the following image:


Organization Logo

To add your organization's logo to the PDFs you must go to the Mobile Forms > Configure > Configure PDFs section. In the "Form Logo" section you will be able to upload the image with the logo. 

Note: The file must be in png or jpg format, it must be of square proportions, with a recommended dimension 150x150 and a maximum size of 2 mb.


How to customize the App?

To customize the application with your organization's logo, go to the Settings > Account Settings tab. In the "Logo" section, you will be able to upload the image with your organization's logo. 

This logo will be displayed in the "Forms" tab, as shown in the image below: