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How do I create users? (PENDING VIDEO)

DataScope allows three ways to enable new users; by email invitation, one-to-one configuration or by bulk import of accounts. 

1.  To send an invitation to new users, you must type their email in the Invite User box. If you want to add multiple invitations, just separate the emails by a comma "," and a space. When they receive the email, they must set their password and username to start using DataScope:

2.  To set up a one-to-one user, you must click on the New Mobile User button. This button will take you to the new user registration form where you can enter their information and define the permission level.


3. The last alternative to add users to your account is through mass import. To do this, you must create an excel file containing the names of each user, their email, password and permission level.



Then, the administrator must click on the Import button and select the created spreadsheet. Once the excel is imported, the new user can log in to his DataScope account through the website and mobile application.